Microblading in Lagos: All you need to know about Microblading.

We all know how much eyebrows transform a face. It’s the reason why even some of the most minimalist makeup routines definitely have a brow element. Gone are the days of super-thin, fine brows. These days, it’s the thicker the better and, along with the best brow products, microblading is one of the most popular ways to amp up your arches.

Lets get to the lowdown of what Microblading actually is.

What’s Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup procedure whereby hair-like incision strokes are created along the eyebrow to attempt to either enhance, reshape or create a natural looking appearance on the brows. Can last up to 6-12months, depending on skin types, after which the pigment fades, leaving the skin and your natural brows exactly as they were. The results are very natural and lifelike, giving the brows a natural, fuller look.

How Much does Microblading cost?

At Treschic we charge 80 thousand Naira for both the microblading procedure and after care for the new brows. Very affordable!

Does microblading hurt?

For most people, it’s a 3 on a scale of 1-10. The area around the brows are numbed to ensure very little pain during the process. Most people describe it as a pinch ( We think that’s a small price to pay for “Fleeky brows” Lol but that’s really for you to decide). It typically takes 15-30 days to heal completely

Risks or Allergies?

While allergic reactions to organic pigments used for the procedure happen they are Rare. At Treschic, we ensure all the tools are sterilized to avoid any complications.

After care for Microblading 

  •   Keep the brows away from water for 7–10 days, which includes not taking long showers or swimming. So the ink would set. Use wash clothes or wipes for your face within this period. Make sure they stay dry
  •  Avoid Sweating on them. working out, tanning, saunas should be avoided for at least 10 days post procedure.
  •  Avoid picking, itching or rubbing them.


A second appointment is needed 4-6 weeks after your first treatment. Usually a 15-60 minutes appointment to add more pigment to the brow area this is because as the area is healing, some parts may not ‘hold’ as well as others and you may have a few patches that need more colour. This is completely normal and everyone heals differently. Whatever the case, we advise you always come back for your retouch. Brows look really finished after the 2nd appointment.

Book a session with Us Today!